Sunday, April 21, 2013

Update from Alaska

If you have been following my teaching blogs you may remember the horrific story I told about the 3 year old who froze to death in the town where I was teaching in Alaska.  Below is a link to the latest news story.
Personally, I think this is outrageous! Where is the justice in this? This was a preventable death. It was a horrific way for this child to die. I think he deserves to get at least the number of years she could have lived. I believe in forgiveness but drinking alcohol is a choice and being responsible for young children is not.  I am choosing not to retell the details the article left out.  It is just so incredibly sad.  I led a teacher donation of gifts for the little sister who lived and the oldest daughter who fortunately was not there that day that following Easter.  Their lives were forever changed by those two irresponsible adults.

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