Monday, August 6, 2012

My husband and I accepted teaching positions at the Surefoot American International School in Calabar, Nigeria.  I will be teaching kindergarten and Clint will be teaching third grade.  We found the school through Search Associates.  The principal and his wife lived in the Gray's Harbor area in Washington at the same time we did.  His wife even worked at our daughter's high school and remembered her.  What a small world we live in.  This is our third teaching job far from home.  We have taught in Taipei, Taiwan and Barrow, AK.  Packing for a year is getting easier.  It is going to be interesting going from the North Pole to the Equator.  A major wardrobe change was the first thing on our list.
Our living room has become packing central.
Jack really wants to come this year.  Our son takes care of him in Oregon for us.

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