We learned the 1st grade teacher is also waiting for a VISA for Nigeria. For some reason this makes me feel better. I am not sure why but at least I cannot attribute this long wait to the curse of the Beeler Soap Opera. This teacher went to New York to meet with Mr. Azis our VISA processor and got no farther ahead but probably farther in debt in the process. The school secretary said we may all end up on the same airplane. The good news is Clint and I have both been teaching long enough to know what to do right away when we arrive. Subbing experience helps too. In other words we know how to punt for a few days until we get a handle on the curriculum resources we are given.
In the meantime, I have been reading everything I can find on Nigeria. This afternoon my topic of choice was food. I learned people generally eat with their right hand. The food is normally hot and spicy. I found a great website called, "What kind of food do people eat in Nigeria?" According to this website the general diet consists of rice, stew, bean meals and plantains. I also read on another site that yams and cassava (a starchy root) are also popular. If you are curious you can read more at
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