Friday, February 22, 2013

100th Day of School

We celebrated our 100th day of school on Monday, February 18.  The 100th day was actually two days later but the Early Years coordinator wanted to do it first thing Monday morning.
This is my class getting ready to lead the Count to 100 by 1's song with the Pre-K, Pre-School and Nursery classes.  For every decade you do a different exercise move for each number as you say it.  I heard about this song from a kindergarten teacher I worked with in Barrow, AK.  I found a video to go with it on You-Tube.  My class begs me almost everyday to do it with them. My student in the pretty dress had a birthday that day so she was not in uniform.
The nursery students on the left are only 2 yrs old and they counted to 10 for us.  It was so cute.  After this we went back to our classroom.  We did some additional counting to 100 activities and then started our regular routine for the day.  It is so hard to find supplies for projects.  The kids had fun but I wish we could have done more of a variety of activities.  I would like to have sent them home with hats with 100 stickers and a certificate. 
100 Gum Balls

100 Cotton Balls

100 Foam Blocks

100 Rocks

100 Seeds

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