Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sport's Day

Our school had a Sport's Day event today.  It was held at our city stadium downtown.   Each student was assigned to a team called either the green, blue, red or yellow house.  The houses all represented a Historic location in our State.  I was in the green house.  Each grade level had one event and there were also running races for staff and parents.  I was the judge's assistant for the green house so I stood at the finish line to write down who finished first, second and third for each competition.  It was a good thing there were several of us assisting because we occasionally had a difference of opinion.  I find it amazing how worked up some people get with competition.  People were yelling so loud and getting so angry.  I made the comment that the students were watching us and I wondered if we were being the best role models for them.  We had students from age 2 to 16 in the dance competition.  The nursery kids did not have a race but all the others did.  Our school invited other schools to come and they competed in one relay race and we had a prize for them.  Before the day got started there were some athletes using the track.  They were amazing runners.  I wondered if any of them were Olympic athletes from Nigeria.

I was with the Green House Team.
The first competition among the houses was a dance routine.  It was a lot of fun learning how to do some of the traditional moves.  Our house didn't win but I know they really had their heart in it.

My class getting ready for the ball relay race.  They were divided up between the four house color teams.
The male teachers race.  Clint was in blue.  I think our teacher from Jamaica won.
The blue house team won the overall competition.

Individuals won medallions for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

We had some celebrities: Mickey, Minni and Pooh Bear.  Even with sunscreen my arms were sunburned.

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