Tuesday, November 27, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness

On Facebook, many people have posted something they were thankful for each day this month.  I took the time on the first day to think through my whole list ahead of time.  I have way too much time in the evenings to stare at the walls.  I do believe; however, this exercise was good for me because it did get me thinking about what was the most important to me.

30 Days of Thankfulness
#1 Jesus Christ my Savior
#2 My Mom and Dad who are still married and in their mid 80's
#3 My husband who puts up with my adventurous spirit and lack of domestic ability
#4 My most precious treasures, my gifts from God: Cyndi and Tim
#5 Knowing God has used me to benefit someone’s life
#6 Siblings who stay in your life after you all leave home (even with different religious and political beliefs)
#7 My best friend, Bunny, who has always faithfully prayed for me throughout my soap opera life. 
#8 Friends who span the world and all parts of my life who genuinely care
#9 Finally having a career not just a job.  I love teaching children.
#10 Finally finishing my college degree just 2 months before my oldest child graduated from high school and then getting my masters 4 months before she finished college.  I guess you could call me a late bloomer but at least I finally bloomed.
#11 An opportunity to serve my country in the armed forces.  Enlisting in the Idaho Army National Guard was one of the best things I have ever done.  It wasn’t easy at 32 with two small children and a husband.  It was a goal of mine I should have done at 18.  I was inspired by an amazing mother in my parent’s church and my father and two brother’s service.  I only served 6 months before I got hurt and was discharged but I have never regretted it.
#12 Having health insurance and no life threatening health concerns.
#13 Finally being a homeowner.  We bought our home in 2009.  It feels good to have roots planted.
#14 A chance to travel and learn about other cultures
#15 A community garden on my own property where I can get my hands dirty all summer long
#16 for the courage to care for my dying brother when it hurt so bad to see him suffer   
#17 Clean water, safe food to eat and a secure shelter to live in
#18 My safety living in a Third World country where there is Muslim and Christian tensions.  We have a driver and an armed guard both at our home and school compounds.
#19 The freedoms and rights I have by being a U.S. citizen
#20 A soft place to lay my head at night after a long day
#21 Friends to go walking and talking with
#22 Those times when you just have to say, “It was a God thing.”  It just couldn’t have happened for any other reason
#23 My daughter got her college degree in Ministry Missions and is using her skills to help others
#24 My son is in college and finally taking some art classes.  I have always known he was an artist.
#25 The Internet, so I can stay in contact with my family and friends and still get to live an adventurous lifestyle
#26 Shopping at my favorite second-hand stores in Oregon when I am home
#27 Watching chick flicks with my daughter when we can
#28 My favorite TV shows which are downloadable so I can even watch them on the other side of the Earth.  We can only watch about one a night because of the cost to download but it is so fun.  For that time period I can forget how far away I am.
#29 My favorite food “chocolate ice cream with nuts”
#30 The unconditional love and attention from my cat, Jack who remembers me when I come home for the summer.  He follows me from room to room and always has something to say to me.  He even knows my voice when I talk to him on Skype video calls.

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